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4 pages your business website should include

Planning and building a website is an exciting feat. You get the opportunity to decide which images to include, design a color scheme to suits the personality of your brand and create appealing content that speaks to your audience. Once you’ve worked which content to include on your site, you then get to decide how you’d like to organize it.

In this post, we’ll aid you in your content organization by taking you through four pages you should include to your business website (aside from the homepage), to make it easier for prospect customers to find the information they’re looking for.

1. About Us
It’s amazing how many websites out there don’t include an About Us page. Having this page gives you the opportunity to tell the story behind your business, and explain who you are as the founder. Not only will an About Us page improve the credibility of your website, it will also help to build a customers trust within your business. A successful About Us page will showcase the personality of your business, making customers feel as if they know you.

Additionally, having an About Us page will also give you a good opportunity to demonstrate your expertise. For example, if you have an excellent academic record or professional qualifications that are associated with your business industry, your About Us page is a great time to mention them.

2. FAQs
Adding a page to your website solely focused on Frequently Asked Questions, will go a long way in reducing the manual work of replying to customer queries, as it will help to address the common questions leads have about your business.

When thinking about what questions to include on your FAQ page, consider things you’re asked on a regular basis, while preempting the barriers customers may put in their way. For example, if potential customers often state certain objections, cover these inquiries within your FAQ section.

When writing the copy for your FAQ page, be sure to always use a positive yet persuasive voice without being overly salesy. The aim is to inform and re-assure prospect customers leaving them feeling happy and suitably informed, moving them along to the next stage of the buying process.

FAQ Concept Through Magnifying Glass.

3. Testimonials
Want a way to say your business is great without having to boast about yourself? Look no further than a Testimonials page.

Similar to an About Us page, creating an avenue to display positive customer feedback can really help build the credibility of your business and will help customers trust your website. When building your page, make sure to include real testimonials from real people – don’t be tempted to make them up. Each testimonial should include:

  • The name of the customer
  • Their company position or web address (if relevant)
  • Why they recommend your services, as well as any issues you’ve helped resolve.

Including each of these points will help to demonstrate the legitimacy of the recommendation.

4. Contact Us
The Contact Us page is one of the most important pages of your website, as it tells prospect customers how to get in touch with your business. Because of its importance, your Contact Us page should be included within your top level navigation, ensuring it’s easily found.

When designing your Contact Us page, be sure to include a phone number or email address as well as various social media networks your customers can find you on. Additionally, adding a contact form to your website is a great way to gain customer leads, as it’s one of the easiest ways to get in contact with you.

If you are a business with a physical location, such as a restaurant or shop, we also recommend including your postal address and a map showing where you are located. Some of the best websites we see often even include their contact details in the footer of every page of their website as well, making it easy for their customers to get in touch. You can easily build it with our website templates for restaurants.

What pages of your website do you think are the most imperative to its success? How many of these pages have you already included on your site? We’d love to hear from you, let us know by commenting below.

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