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Click the Button: Create your own call-to-action buttons in Sitebuilder

We’ve been writing a lot about how to call visitors to action and building websites that are easy to navigate. What better way to drive site visitors to the next page on your website than with a button?

Now available in the Yola Sitebuilder, the new Button Widget allows you to create your own call-to-action buttons from “Learn More” and “Download” to “Request a Quote” and “Buy Now.”

Buttons are a great way to guide visitors to the logical next step. Whether you’d like them to download your resume or request a consultation or any other action you’d like them to take, buttons can help guide your site visitors to take action.

The new Button Widget comes in Small, Medium and Large and includes three shapes – Rounded Corners, Pill or Square. Simply drag the button widget onto your website and begin editing. You can change the text, add a link and choose an alignment.

Editing your button in Style Designer

Editing your button in Style Designer

Once your button is on your site, jump right into the Style Designer to begin customizing the font and font color as well as button shape, color and style (solid or outlined). You can also adjust button padding to round out the shape of your button.

Another great function of the Button Widget is that when a site visitor hovers over the button the visual effect will indicate to them to click to the next page or to buy your product.

Example of Button Widget

Example of Button Widget

Example of Button Widget when hovered

Example of Button Widget when hovered

You can see examples of the button widget on the following live sites that we built in our bi-monthly webinars: PacNorth Fish Store and Growerfields Farms.

Once you’ve added in your buttons, don’t forget to re-publish your site and post a link in the comments for everyone to see.

2 thoughts on “Click the Button: Create your own call-to-action buttons in Sitebuilder”

  1. I can’t figure out how you created completely rounded button (circle) on PacNorth Fish Store site. With Button Widget I was able to create only square, rounded or pill buttons, but not a button in a shape of circle.

  2. Pingback: Spring Cleaning Your Site Content | Yola

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